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10 Ways to Declare Your Love



I _____________________________________do love, honor, respect, and take you___________________________ to be my Wife. I promise to walk by your side and to help and encourage you in all that you do. I pledge to you my everlasting love. I will stand beside you as your partner, and best friend, I will stand before you as your protector, and I will stand behind you as your support through all the days of our lives.


I ____________________________________do love, honor, respect, and take you_______________________ to be my Husband. I promise to walk by your side and to help and encourage you in all that you do. I pledge to you my everlasting love. I will stand beside you as your partner, and best friend, I will stand before you as your protector, and I will stand behind you as your support through all the days of our lives.

2. Vows II

Will you join hands and face each other.

You have chosen one another from all others, so it is clear this moment affirms a spiritual commitment that has already begun.


___________________________________ will you take ________________________________________ as your wife? Will you love, respect and be honest with her? Will you support her quest for excellence, creativity and joy in life?


 ________________________________________ will you take ____________________________________ to be your husband? Will you love, respect and be honest with him? Will you support his quest for excellence, creativity and joy in life?

3. Traditional Declaration of Intentions

_________________Will you take ____________________to be Your wedded wife, to live together after God's holy ordinance? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her for as long as ye both shall live? If so please answer, I do.

_________________Will you take _________________________ to be your wedded husband, to live together after God's holy ordinance? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him for as long as you both shall live? If so, say I do.

Traditional Vows

________________________repeat after me: I______________________ take thee ______________________ to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

_________________ repeat after me: I____________________, take you _____________________ to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

4. Vows

Groom:Bride: A ceremony is for a day, a marriage is for a lifetime. Today before our family and friends I pledge my love for you as I join my life with yours as husband/wife, as best friend, lover and confidant. Let me be the shoulder on which you lean, the rock on which you rest, your companion for life.


GROOM: Having found you, I have decided that there is no moment in my life more significant than this one; the moment I offer myself and all that I will become to you as your husband. May we share with each other, from this day forward the unending joy of growth and discovery together.

BRIDE: For many years I have believed all things were possible. Today, as I set out to live in this world and make a difference in it, my heart is stirred to know that you will be by my side; your enthusiasm for life and the fulfillment of goals is as strong as my own. May we live life fully, and make a difference in the world.


GROOM: We are joining today because we love, respect, and honor each other, and because we are committed to sharing equally in all the joys life has to offer.

BRIDE: For many years to come we will remember this day; yet, beyond the flowers, beyond the music, beyond the joy of the well wishes from our family and friends, let us remember through the years what brought us together.


GROOM: My love for you means more to me than anything else. Thank you for being my friend, lover, companion, and confidant. Thank you for saying "yes" to life, love and to me.

BRIDE: Our choice is made, our minds are clear, and our hearts are strong. I take you today to be my husband, best friend and lover, for as long as we both shall live.


GROOM/BRIDE: As we stand beside the ocean tide may our love always be as constant and unchanging as these never ending waves that come upon the shore. There will never be a day without the ocean's flow and there will never be a day without my love for you.


GROOM/BRIDE: Today I publicly acknowledge my love and respect for you and invite you to share my life as I am excited to share yours. I promise always to recognize you as in equal individual and to be conscious of your development as well as my own. I shall seek through kindness and understanding to achieve with you the life we have envisioned.


GROOM/BRIDE: I vow to base our relationship on love and caring. I will be considerate of your wishes and desires, and respect your integrity and intentions. I will support your dreams and goals, and thrive in keeping our connection through laughter and joy. You are the love of my life, I am grateful we found each other.

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